The Apple in the Vanishing CabinetMBHenriksen on DeviantArt

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The Apple in the Vanishing Cabinet



The Apple in the Vanishing Cabinet

I wanted to recreate a still from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - I love Bruno Delbonnel's cinematography in that movie! This particular recreation is the scene with the apple in the vanishing cabinet - I didn't go full on recreation mode, so there's some distinct differences in the texture of the cabinet especially, mostly I wanted to recreate the composition and mood. The aspect ratio is slightly different as well though, just prefered this one.

Created in Cinema 4D and rendered with Octane Render.
The apple is from Quixel, as is the base of the cabinet texture, though I did revamp it in Photoshop and created new height and normal maps with Materialize.

I haven't used deviantART much since the updat to the new Eclipse design, honestly not a fan. I'm posting much more on my Instagram, and am using ArtStation as well, so feel free to give me a follow on those platforms :)
Image size
4500x1883px 5.52 MB
© 2020 - 2025 MBHenriksen
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