:Kingdom Hearts : 358-2 Days:mazjojo on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/mazjojo/art/Kingdom-Hearts-358-2-Days-72507641mazjojo

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:Kingdom Hearts : 358-2 Days:



Another wait for another Kingdom Hearts new game. This is "358/2 Days" though i don't know what it means^^; you play role as Organization XIII. I think for the organization's lover must play this^^! Available in NDS.

LOL, its a pain to draw all the left of organization>.< started in 10PM and finished in 5.30AM O_O;;;
some character didn't draw properly, I have low of reference!

Kingdom Hearts (c) by Square Enix
artwork by me

2 other new game arts
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts: Coded

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beautyful detail