.: The Conquerer Queen :.Mayuuko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mayuuko/art/The-Conquerer-Queen-373771517Mayuuko

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.: The Conquerer Queen :.



AKA HAPPY BIRTHDAY *Weresquirrel94 ! :iconuguufaceplz: :heart:

There are so many gorgeous new OCs in your gallery, I must've missed them when you uploaded them .A. Sooo... I really couldn't decide who to draw at first... but I really love archers and I love that colour combination of brown and green, so I just picked the first one that caught my eye... I really hope you like it and I didn't butcher her too much ;u;

I don't know how to colour at the moment and I'm abusing the shit out of the airbrush tool, but can I still be proud of it?
Like, at least the pose? Because I'm so happy it turned out ok :iconlazycryplz:

Don't ask me where she's aiming though. I'm sure she'll hit anyway. Trust her, she's a professional. ewe

Reference: [link]

Tarasla (C) by :iconweresquirrel94: :heart:
Art is mine~
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1998x2599px 1.5 MB
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tickitoki's avatar
asdjf wawawa you're really good at drawing armor i can't