test- animation coloristmayshing on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mayshing/art/test-animation-colorist-144255195mayshing

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mayshing's avatar

test- animation colorist



Edit: We are currently not taking any more new colorists, thank you for considering.

:star: Look to the left, Click Download to download PSD file.

Anything that can color will be fine. 

1. Duplicate lineart layer. Place it under the official lineart. 
    EX: Layer 1 on top of Layer 1 copy

2. Fill/color on duplicated lineart layer using drop tool, sample color from the finished color sample on file. (NOT the model sheet! The color is different from scene to scene so current model sheet is only for reference.) 

3. After finish, check if anything flood outside of your color layer and cause pixellation. If that happened, clean it up so it's neat and clean. If the coloring does not meet requirement I will request retry. 

4. Merge down the lineart layer to the duplicated copy layer. 

Repeat until you finish. 
After you finish email to mayshingATgmail

If you pass you will be listed into the colorist group, when there's job coming I will pass it out to all available artist. 

:star: model sheets of the character for your reference: altabe.deviantart.com/art/Jere…

Test for coloring for people interested in helping out with my animation.

:salute: Be aware, the workload is not light, you will be required to show me result in a week once given assignment. It's like a job, like the do it or doom homework, do it like it is.

:D You will be included on a special marketing discount when the dvd is out.
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SteeKira's avatar

So, I use Procreate. I think my app can convert the file and resend it as a PSD. You think this file will still work if I tried to download it to my ipad?