inkers-testmayshing on DeviantArt

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mayshing's avatar




Download to start- 5 mb psd file for test.

This is relatively close to what an inker will get, it's half of 2/3 of 1 whole sequence.

Directions- *redoing directions... its coming... >.<b 

Model sheet:
Model sheet-Angel1 by mayshing Angel 2 by mayshing Angel 3 by mayshing Angel 4 by mayshing

(inker's job is much more difficult than a colorist's job, experience in digital inking is required...ask me questions if you are not sure about something.)

For people who are interested in joining my team to create an anime. >_>

After you finished, e-mail it to mayshinggmail

:dance: If you passed you will be added to my list of helpers, and receive e-mails when I have stuff to send to the whole group, only help out if you have time at the moment.

:heart: Once you completed your part and I am satisfied with it, I will list your name in for the credits.

:salute: Be aware, the workload is not light, you will be required to show me result in a week once given assignment. It's like a job, like the do it or doom homework, do it like it is.

:D You will be included on a special marketing discount when the dvd is out.

When you become a senior staff, some minor payment option will be available depending on funding.
Image size
2000x1125px 5.35 MB
© 2010 - 2025 mayshing
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thewarlockziv's avatar
Are you still looking for inkers? I would like to give the test a go if you are, though the link to the directions is not working.