Perspective for Dummies 2mayshing on DeviantArt

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mayshing's avatar

Perspective for Dummies 2



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Page 4: taken down cuz its not needed.
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Time to prepare for this tutorial: 1 year
Time to make the tutorial: 6 hours
Purpose of the tutorial: To help beginners, or people who struggle with drawing perspectives to get a start in apply it.

I feel quite accomplished being able to finish this tutorial now. I promised this since last year, it was a challenge to even start to make it.
Honestly, I don't feel I am good at perspective, but it seems like I am good enough to teach some basics.

There are plenty of tutorials on perspectives out there, but not everyone can apply the technquies after they learn them.
I hope this tutorial will help out the majority of the artists who started drawing with characters first like I am.

Other recommanded tutorials: From easy to hard

:star: Interactive Perspective
:star: Introduction to Perspective
:star: Eye Level
:star: Spherical Perspective

EDIT: Took out the example with problematic execution.
Image size
700x1516px 245.3 KB
© 2006 - 2025 mayshing
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12starlings's avatar
cool tutorial, but other then interactive perspective your star links aren't working <:3