maychangplz's avatar


May Chang
4 Watchers0 Deviations
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  • May 27
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
This is a PLZ account made by Atsuko-Inuzuka

here's more: :iconmomohinamoriplz: :iconamycaseclosedplz: :iconyurinakandaplz: :iconrinsohmaplz: :iconranmashampooplz:

Profile Comments 4

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This has been added to :iconfmaicons:
When i look at you i see a bright smile of trust.....
When your near me i smell your wonderful scent of the blooming Sakura Trees....
When you show your expression for something your like a Cat eagerly waiting for a drink of milk....
When your mad your like a Cat standing your ground,pouncing your enemy's with your sharp claw's, head on.....
When i look at you, you and i are suddenly the only two people in the whole entire world....
Your Awesome in your own way! you draw people near you but some of them can't help but try to get away because they can't handle your power you posses. People get jealous of you and be mean to you because they don't know how to tell you they like you. Your Beautiful in your own way! Girls and boys act like they hate you but in reality when they get home and there all alone they can't help but happily sigh at how beautiful you are. Your YOU! Your out of this world, on another planet, crazy, random, weird, insanely cute self! When you show your weirdness everyone thinks you need help because your someone they want to be!