amazing people and da family: One of my best freinds on deviantart shes known me for a long time She really amazing and her art is awsome i have known twinsink for a LOOOOOONG time, and shes a really amazing freind. she dosnt get on much as she used to but i miss her. :3 shes an amazing kingdom hearts artist. ^-^ shes one of my best freinds i met on tumblr.. we RP alot and talk about random stuff like Kingdom hearts and other universes shes an AMAZING friend ANOTHER AMAZING KINGDOM HEARTS ARTIST AND FREIND And WE BOTH LIVE IN OREGON HOLY CRAP!?
a good freind my freind in real life. altough we havent seen eachother in a while i miss you~ nwn this chicka right here is a good freind of mine in rea life.~ BROS FOR LIFE shes a real sweetie and shes so awsome~ >V
hes awsome like a boss *shades* another fellow higurashi fan and a amazing freind. VwV hes my da bro and he is awsome shes a good freind i met at Kumori con 2012! really cool person and huge fan of all sorts of anime. freindly too. :3 shes an epic Plushie maker.
THE weirdos CLAN: da brothers DA sisters: Yako Katsuragi obsessed partner in crime: pet horse: anime obsessed cousin:
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
LOst ship in the sky Detective conan, Detective conan Vs lupin the third
within the next few days i am going to be putting some of my art in storage,stuff such as:art that i used to love but now is embaressing
poorly drawn stuff
and stuff that generally dose not intest me anymore.that being said, if you know i have one of the drawings i made for you in there, let me know and i will take it out of stoorage so you can save it, then let me know when you have done so so i can place it back in storage.
your welcome. i beilive you were following me on tumblr and i went to check and saw you were an artist as well and then saw you had deviant art. altough im on mobile at the moment so i cant check for sure if it was you or not easily. but regardless i like your art and we are both meitantei conan/ magic kaito fans so its awsome eaither way.
Thank you so much for liking my art ♥ You're right i'm following you on tumblr !! Your art is very cute plus you're meitantei conan and magic kaito fan too so I had to follow /// asdfghjkl Sorry for my bad English _(:'3 」∠)_ Anyway, nice to meet you !!