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mawstock's avatar

The Hill Of Broken Crystal



Description: Though I live in The Kingdom Of Crystal, it's not surprising you find a hill of broken crystal in the middle of the forest... well at least almost in the middle of it ;).

8 stock photos in this pack

My resources are now free to use in any way commercial, non-commersial, personal etc.

Need stuff for your RPG (pen and paper variant i guess), well i hope i can provide something that can come in handy.

The only rules:

* Give credit
* Don't upload my resources outside DA - instead, tell people where they can find them.
* Using my resources in hate- rasist religious and pornographic work is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!

So, what are you waiting for? Download what you need and be creative. If you show me your work, send me a copy of the product, i would appreciate it very much.

Good luck!

Best regards M.A.W
© 2008 - 2024 mawstock
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nathie's avatar
i am sure i have seen that hill already live.