maverickflores on DeviantArt

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Curse Steelreaper



Seventh Sanctum Contest Entry:

Curse Steelreaper

The craven alienated male half-Vampire knight. His skin is pale. This wordy man has slitted gray eyes that are like two silver coins. His non-human ancestry gives him a horribly inhuman appearance. Odd things seem to happen in his presence. He can detach his body parts and command them at a distance. He doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities. He feeds on psychic energy. He is bald. His physique is very athletic. His wardrobe is dignified, with a lot of black.

Seventh Sanctum Contest: [link]
Image size
695x639px 95.51 KB
© 2009 - 2024 maverickflores
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Lesleigh63's avatar
Reminds me of axe-man. Good match of the name to his character description.