comic book resumemaverickcarter on DeviantArt

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maverickcarter's avatar

comic book resume



After sending off god knows how many resumes in the last few months, I've begun to suspect that the employment process goes something like this:
1.)Take each resume submitted
2.)Assign each resume a number
3.) Go to the races for the day
4.) Through a complex algorithm, assign each resume to a horse
5.) The winning horse gets whatever muppet wrote the resume a job.

Either that or they just swallow all the resumes whole, shit them out, and pick whichever one is most legible. I don't know. So this piece is meant to be a resume an employer couldn't possibly ignore. It features, among other things, a cartoon version of me punching Hitler. And, employers, if you don't find that funny, I wouldn't want to work for you anyway.

Edit: People keep linking to this thing! I'm glad you like it, but I'd like it even more if you headed over to my webcomic,, and checked it (and my other comics) out over there. Cheers!
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583x5787px 1.23 MB
© 2010 - 2025 maverickcarter
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wulimaster's avatar
I love this idea. I love it so much that I am asking permission to duplicate it but with my own story, artwork and such. Trust me it won't look the same, I just know that my story would be one of interest to potential employers. Thanking you in advance. I will post the thing on deviant first to get some feedback . I would love it if you would look over it. Give me a couple of weeks. Genius idea dude!

