Tsum Tsum not so Practical JokesMAUWORLD274 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/mauworld274/art/Tsum-Tsum-not-so-Practical-Jokes-611634620MAUWORLD274

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MAUWORLD274's avatar

Tsum Tsum not so Practical Jokes



Oh god, this little Tsum Tsum crap is getting too much out of Disney's hands. At first it was annoying to see this... thingies cartoons on TV, completely deforming disney's original characters into some caterpillar look like minion copy, I honestly hated them there. And now I hate them even more, invading the Marvel heroes and Zootopia metaverse (oh god, why?).

So, taking inspiration from this... nonesense of merchadise tactic, and because i needed a Bogo fanart for the gallery, decided to do this sketch, to kill two birds with a single bullet.

Sorry for the comic sans... Sorry...

(C) Disney
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960x540px 1.48 MB
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BoldCurriosity's avatar
Oh yeah, the annoying and adorable types... xD