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Friendship Is Magic 09 P2



Thanks to those who donate me in patreon and paypal ^^

Thanks!! :icontruemadayar: and :iconpred-k-kaladral:  (the translation into English)^^

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MLP10 part 7 here:…
chapter 9 part 2  hope you like it ^^

sorry for the delay n_nU

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997x12461px 42.51 MB
© 2017 - 2024 mauroz
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j-mike's avatar

That was heartless of Rainbow Dash. Spike was in a state of emotional hardship and wanted to stay overnight because he was concerned about someone he cares for. Rainbow Dash decided this was the perfect time to insult Spike by calling him a pervert again instead of giving him support which he really needed. It seems like backstabbing Spike is more important to Rainbow Dash than comforting him.

Eso era desalmado de Rainbow Dash.Spike estaba en un estado de dificultad emocional y quería pasar la noche porque estaba preocupado por alguien que le importaba.Rainbow Dash decidió que este era el momento perfecto para insultar a Spike llamándole un pervertido nuevamente en lugar de brindarle apoyo que realmente necesitaba.Parece que la espiga de apuñalamiento de la espalda es más importante para Rainbow Dash que consolarlo.