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Friendship Is Magic 07 P5



Thanks!! :icontruemadayar:   (the translation into English)^^

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Chapter 7 p5  hope you like it ^^

sorry for the delay n_nU
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997x11077px 10.88 MB
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j-mike's avatar

Rainbow Dash seems to be kind of a hypocrite. Rainbow Dash thinks Gilda being rough is hurting her which is wrong but she can harm Spike as much as she wants and that's not only considered okay but funny. That doesn't make any sense. What's the difference?

 Rainbow Dash parece ser una especie de hipócrita. Rainbow Dash cree que Gilda, siendo ruda, la está lastimando, lo cual está mal, pero puede lastimar a Spike tanto como quiera y eso no solo se considera correcto sino divertido. So no tiene ningún sentido. Cual es la diferencia?