Arts for Human Rights Contest!

4 min read

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MauricioKanno's avatar
Hi there! It´s time for another contest for a good cause! Take a look on the rules, prizes information and suggestions and let´s go! :D

Main Rules

1- The deadline for submissions is September 15th. The announcement of the winner (or winners) is expected to be 2 weeks later.
2- You can submit up to 3 artworks, ANY media and kind of art, including traditional arts, digital arts or literature, for example. If there are submissions and donations enough, I may create categories and extra prizes.
3- To participate, tell me the link of your artwork in a comment on this journal, and I´ll put it in the contest list, in a personal collection folder.
4- You need to put, in the description area of your artwork, a link to this journal, saying that the art is an entry to the Arts for Human Rights Contest.

Other rules

5- By joining this contest, you´re allowing me to use your artwork to make public this kind of contest in the media and in an exhibition, that I maybe organize in the future (always crediting you, of course). Other people may use your art for human rights cause too, but always warning you about that and also crediting you. Any uses should be informed in this journal.
6- No mature content is allowed. My experience is that this makes difficult to show the collected arts later.
7- In the case of traditional and digital arts, only finished artworks, coloured or well-rendered B&W. Make an illustration, a composed scene or comic strip, not just a character standing or portrait.
8- In the case of literature, it must be up to 7,700 characters with spaces (about 3 pages), in English. You could show me the original work in Portuguese or Spanish too, as I understand these languages, but you should translate it to English, so other people can read it too.


1- The winner will receive at least a Premium Membership for three months. If people donate enough in my profile page or if I raise more money by other means, the prize can be even better. Or other people can get prizes too, like for 2nd and 3rd places – if there are enough quality submissions.
2- I can offer a traditional painting (using for example watercolour, gouache or indian ink) commission for the winner. I would be glad if you could offer other prizes too, tell me that in a private note to check if it would be valid for the contest, ok?
3- The artworks will be judged by me and by other people I´m selecting, interested in human rights and arts.
4- Fairly critiquing other artworks related to human rights – and telling me that in this journal, with a link –, helps the author to improve in the future and can make you deserve another prize. The more and better the critiques, the better your chance to get this extra prize.
5- Everyone is going to receive a short amount of points as symbolic gifts, according to the number of votes received, between 5 and 20 points.


1- I prefer artworks which inspire positive feelings than negative feelings. Rather sensitive and delicate than rude and disgusting. Try to show hope and justice, but not in a so naive way.
2- Although it´s not forbidden to submit old works, I would prefer newer ones, for example created and published this year.
3- You could check these websites to get some ideas about human rights themes:
- Avaaz:
- Human Rights Watch:
- Wikipedia:…
- Human
- United Nations:
- Office of the High Comissioner for Human Rights (UN):…


Yes, I´m organizing this contest because I believe that it´s important that art (and everything and everyone) promotes good causes! Art doesn´t need to have just a value for itself. I´ve organized also this year a Arts for Animal Rights Contest. You can check the results here:…
© 2012 - 2024 MauricioKanno
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ApolloLapin's avatar
I created this last year while I was in school, but I think it's still pretty powerful, p.s. I've never submitted to a contest before so I don't know how to enter a link. I hope this works