Mac OS X Lion Wallpapermauricioestrella on DeviantArt

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mauricioestrella's avatar

Mac OS X Lion Wallpaper



I use Apple products on a daily basis, not only because of my job, but because of the awesome experience and joy of using them.

If you are a mac user like me, I'm sure you will understand my urgency to come up with a fan-art wallpaper for OS X Lion.

If you're not a mac user, I invite you to check out this wallpaper. It's one of my favs so far, and it just replaced something I've been using for months. :)

I hope you enjoy. Click download to get a big-ass resolution wall. Feel free to use it in any way you want.

M31 galaxy image is public domain. Wallpaper by yours truly.
OS X Lion is © Apple Computer Inc.
© 2011 - 2025 mauricioestrella
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Supuhstar's avatar
Where'd you get the galaxy image? :O