Indiana Jones Nuking the Fridge infographicmauricem on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

April 17, 2012
Indiana Jones Nuking the Fridge infographic by ~mauricem is a humorous and informative look at how our hero survived the seemingly impossible!
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by Jezamin
mauricem's avatar

Indiana Jones Nuking the Fridge infographic



In the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Indiana Jones survives the explosion of a nuclear bomb by cleverly ducking in a refrigerator. While most believe it's impossible, George Lucas has said that he has scientific evidence that his odds of survival are "50\50."
Let's take a closer look at the scene and see how Jones seems to defy physics and common sense to survive.
This was for my blog [link]

UPDATE: Thank you so much for all your kind words and responses! I tried to thank each comment individually and just couldn't keep up. If I didn't get to thank you know how much I appreciate it. I'm new and didn't even know what a Daily Deviation was until I got it.
Special thanks to ~Jezamin and $Moonbeam13
Image size
1422x844px 342.37 KB
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928224376273737WO's avatar

I got this on the day I saw this film in the theater, especially when I saw the "Lead Lined" sticker of the side of the door of the fridge.

Because lead deflects radiation as Lisa Simpson said,

It only got worse after the fans and critics started whining about it.

Some people are just whiny, whinging idiots.

Well, fans what you have preferred? Him to die just fifteen minutes into film?

If you re-watch the first three films, there are a lot of things that didn't make sense.