I worked on "Prometheus" as a concept artist, and now that the movie is out I can show some of the images.I will eventually post stuff here on DA, but I felt the format of my blog lent itself better to an overview of the process, and to acknowledge some of the others involved. So I decided to begin with that out of consideration to the talented people I feel privileged to have worked with! :)Feel free to have a look: http://steveburg.blogspot.com/There is an "Art of" book, which I just got - and it's quite nice! But it contains only a fraction of the art generated for the project by myself and the other artists on the team.I worked with a ...
Hey thanks for all the faves AND the llama badge...however since I'm new out here I just wanna know- what's the purpose of badges & from where do I see all the ones I got...?