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Batman Villains United



Here is my entry for the Scribblenauts Unmasked contest. I had tons of fun painting this. Good luck to everyone who enetered and thank you for checking in.


The characters are from left to right...

Bane - Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993)
Poison Ivy - Batman #181 (June 1966)
Penguin - Detective Comics #58 (December 1941)
The Riddler - Detective Comics #140 (October 1948)
Harley Quinn - The Batman Adventures #12 (September 1993)
Scarface the puppet - Detective Comics #583 (February 1988)
Joker - Batman #1 (Spring 1940)
Catwoman - Batman #1 (Spring 1940)
Two-Face - Detective Comics #66 (Aug. 1942)
Ra's al Ghul - Batman #232 (June 1971)
Mr.Freeze/Mr.Zero - Detective Comics #373 (March 1968)
Killer Croc - Batman #357 (March 1983)

Information taken from wikipedia. All characters are propery of DC Comics.
Image size
2000x550px 788.28 KB
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Scarecrow: Hello you forgot me