matthewvogel1234 on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

matthewvogel1234's avatar




:iconstopplz:WATCH THE WHOLE THING. Wait for the center line to turn straight up and down. That's when the action REALLY happens!

This is a small clip of a large video I made for DJ Price. I made it in AfterEffects with Trapcode Form, which creates a particle system with editable variables for reaction to the bass and treble outputs of a specific audio track.

:bulletred:This is a projected backdrop for his remix of Lady Gaga's Paparazzi.

I created the particle system as a 3-layered sphere which bounces on the X-asis individually, so the spheres will bounce toward the 3D camera. I also added Trapcode Shine and a default glow effect to cause the particles to streak. I also made the particle system to be very long on X so when we fly into the sphere, depth of field is changed greatly.

:bulletred:Here's a clear static image: [link]
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300x170px 23.27 MB
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