Welcome to England - #EnglishAgainstTrumpMattanzaMFedora on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mattanzamfedora/art/Welcome-to-England-EnglishAgainstTrump-1133217663MattanzaMFedora

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Welcome to England - #EnglishAgainstTrump


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As an Anglian with family and friends overseas, I have a vested in interest in the state of American Politics, and as such, after coming across these videos about what civil liberties we're fortunate enough to have - FROM AN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE, NO LESS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lo4eVW_woI&pp=ygUoRnJlZWRvbXMgSSBoYXZlIGluIHVrIEkgZG9uJ3QgaW4gQW1lcmljYQ%3D%3D - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYvqn5rkxl8
-, as well as the horror show of what Project 2025 means for any women in dire need of an abortion - ESPECIALLY women who are any form of Asexual, as I am, see this comic by @DisneyFanatic2364 -

Queer-Coded #150:Project 2025:Reproductive Freedom

-, I want to take this opportunity to invite you all over to England where I am confident you shall be greeted with a warm welcome.

Civil liberties greater than that of the Founding Fathers could have guaranteed during their time exists over here, and nobody is asking you to sing God Save the Queen - Lord knows I don't, and desire a proper Democratic Republic of England one day -, but if you desire a home where you won't be vilified for anything that the Republican Party would dare to find fault in you for, then Anglia is the place for you. :)

Gerrard Winstanley - English Radical Hero!
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I am a social conservative and pro free healthcare.