Pantheon: Hel

18 min read

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Fresh Hel by Umbrafen


Name: Hel
Other Names: Bonebreaker, Executioner
Sex: Male
Size: Like the other gods, Hel can alter his size at will. Generally, he is seen (in his animal form) at around 20 feet at the shoulder.
Home: Molten Highland, Vorim Hataar
Pantheon Rank: Judge
Occupation: God of torture and punishment
Symbols: Hel by Matriarchs-Haunt
Attitude Toward Ketucari: Hel's views toward ketucari are just as sour as they are toward everything and everyone else. He finds them to be more of a thorn in his side than an actual threat.
Appearances: Appears as a quest giver and domain guardian in the Molten Highland.

Other Forms: Hel sometimes takes the form of a human-akadri man with long, dark hair and tanned skin. He is notorious for looking unkempt and dirty, with bloodshot eyes and a permanently groggy expression. His dark, iridescent armor is often smudged with ash and dirt.


Relatives: Unknown

Notable Relationships

Hanebul, Sef, and Kalet: Hel has a close bond with his fellow judges, even if he sometimes disagrees with their ways. He has a bit of a "sibling rivalry" with Kalet, who is his natural opposite. Sef takes more of a wise older sister role in his life, while he views Hanebul as a leader and father figure. These relationships are the only constants in Hel's life, the only people to whom he shows respect and affection.


Alignment: Neutral evil (Notoriety)
Personality: Hel is, first and foremost, an unduly lazy individual. He hates being roused to do his duties (primarily punishing souls with strong negative karma), and his disdain for them makes him all the more vicious when he must carry them out. Hel is selfish, uncaring, and can be extremely aggressive. Mortals view him as terrifying and cruel, but to his fellow judges he is extremely loyal.


     Little is known about Hel's background as he is so reclusive and his interactions with mortals aren't the most civil. It is assumed, due to his relationship with Hanebul, that he has been a judge since he was a child. It is unclear if he is the child of another god, or if he was created by Asli.

In spite of his lazy personality, he has been recorded taking part in every fight the judges have had with Anti and his creations. In times of war, Hel can be found living in the temple of Mount Vitian with the other judges. Any other time, he can be found in the Molten Highland. Hel is the jailer of thirteen of Anti's original constructs. Due to the fact that they can only be permanently destroyed by Anti himself, Hel keeps the constructs imprisoned in a lava lake that is impossible for them to escape. 

Hel can be invoked by mortals to inflict punishment, and even kill, those who deserve it. However, he is so volatile that praying for Hel's assistance is usually only done by the extremely desperate as he has been known to turn on the one who has summoned him.

Raid Drops

Accessory Set

Executioner: Hel's Accessories by Matriarchs-Haunt


Vestige of Hel by Matriarchs-Haunt

Other Items

Demonic Essence by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Demonic Essence
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Cunning to a 
custom potion.
Holy Essence by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Holy Essence
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Nobility to a 
custom potion.*
Divine Bone by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Divine Bone
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +200 Armor to a 
custom potion.*
Ambrosia by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Ambrosia
Rarity Level: Legendary
On it's own, a piece can 
restore 100% armor to a ketucari.
Also used in Alchemy.*

Dynr by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Dynyr
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +40 Strength to a 
custom potion.
Fotur by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Fotur
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +40 Dexterity to a 
custom potion.
Rugha by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Rugha
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Luck to a 
custom potion.
Alear by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Alear
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Perception to a 
custom potion.
Yendi by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Yendi
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Willpower to a 
custom potion.
Nysine by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Nysine
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Alchemy. A stack of 
5 will add +20 Intellect to a 
custom potion.
Garonite by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Garonite Ore
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in Armorsmithing.

Lucky Coin by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Codex Page:
Lucky Charm

Kohto's Rattle by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Codex Page: 
Kohto's Rattle
Piece 1/3
Piece 2/3
Piece 3/3

Mutation Potion by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Codex Page:
Guardian Paste

Red Daras by Matriarchs-Haunt
F2U Sparkle by piirmy Daras (Red Pictured)
Rarity Level: Legendary
Used in creating custom armor.
Comes in multiple colors.
Attributes differ by color:
Yellow +45 Luck
White +45 Perception
Blue +45 Intellect
Rose +45 Willpower
Black +45 Cunning
Purple +20 Nobility
Green +200 Armor
Red +90 Strength
Amber +90 Dexterity

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