Designing: Vapor

14 min read

Deviation Actions

Matriarchs-Haunt's avatar



Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Yuval 782 by Matriarchs-Haunt Gold Dust 768 by Matriarchs-Haunt Dante 781 by Matriarchs-Haunt Osiris 713 by Matriarchs-Haunt Nat'anue 595 by Matriarchs-Haunt Shogol 559 by Matriarchs-Haunt Varden 343 by Matriarchs-Haunt Mephisto 232 by Matriarchs-Haunt Orris 229 by Matriarchs-Haunt Alden 199 by Matriarchs-Haunt Tikaani 143 by Matriarchs-Haunt Tishol 12 by Matriarchs-Haunt


Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Bullet; White  Vapor is a soft-edged marking that resembles a galaxy or nebula. 
Bullet; White In your ketucari's genotype, vapor is denoted by the letters "nVp" (heterozygous) or "VpVp" (homozygous).
Bullet; White In its heterozygous form, vapor has a pass rate of 15%. Homozygous vapor has a 49% pass rate.

Color and Shape

Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
 Vapor can be any bright color (blue, violet, pink, green, orange, yellow, red). You may use up to three colors in vapor.

Vapor 1 by Matriarchs-HauntVapor 2 by Matriarchs-Haunt


Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Vapor may appear on any part of the body. It must not cover more than 50% of the body, but must cover enough that it is immediately recognizable.

Interaction with Other Markings

Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Bullet; White All markings can be layered under or over vapor.
Bullet; White Below is a list of markings that you can restrict vapor to if the ketucari has both genes. You may only choose gene to restrict vapor to. This is simply a design option and is not a requirement.
Tar Pit 
Smokey (Dun Stripes only)
Flaxen (Dun Stripes only)

An example of restricting vapor to one of the above markings would be something like this dusky points + vapor combination. Notice that the vapor appears over the dusky points.

Vapor 3 by Matriarchs-Haunt


Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Here are some small accents you can add to your designs to make them more unique!

Bullet; White In addition to the cloudy color shifts that resemble a galaxy, you may include small, light spots in your vapor that resemble stars, like below. 
Be sure that this little spots do not extend outside of the vapor, or else they will resemble mottling or radiance.
Dante 546 by Matriarchs-Haunt

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anonymous's avatar
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Saphira455's avatar
So, I have a question.
'Vapor may be restricted'
Does that mean it can also NOT be restricted to the dark colors?