Designing: Scars

11 min read

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(Available as a drop and from the Marketplace only!)

Arrow left Scars are an optional accessory for your ketucari!
Arrow left Scars should be natural skin colors and tones. No bright green scars!
Arrow left Multiple scar packs can be used to create larger and more intense scarring.
Arrow left Scars may not be applied before the design is uploaded and accepted! Please apply your scars through the Apply an Item Thread.

A single Scar Pack can be used to create one or many scars. They can be located anywhere on the ketucari's body. Combined, they should not exceed 10% of the ketucari.

1 Scar Pack can create an effect like this:
Voyna 314 by Matriarchs-Haunt
Nix 1623 by Matriarchs-Haunt

2 Scar Packs May be used to create an effect like this:
Blood Makes Noise, the Mastermind 1171 by Matriarchs-Haunt

3 Scar Packs may be used to create a heavy mauling:
[DECEASED] Lich 34 by Matriarchs-Haunt
Localized mauling. Covers about 25-30% of the ket.

Hylactor 1866 by Matriarchs-Haunt
Scattered mauling, disregard tail docking. Covers about 20-25% of the ket.

Azriel 1113 by Matriarchs-Haunt
A more extensive mauling but still only comes to cover about 25% of the ket

10 Scar Packs may be used to create an amputation, as seen here in Tuanren:
Tuanren 627 by Matriarchs-Haunt

There is no firm rule on how many Scar Packs a scar design may take, so admins will be using their own judgement on them!

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