Designing: Brindle

14 min read

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Ataash 575 by Matriarchs-Haunt Setah 217 by Matriarchs-Haunt Vanna 14 by Matriarchs-Haunt
Muriel 1011 by Matriarchs-Haunt Remi 585 by Matriarchs-Haunt Tyche 1532 by Matriarchs-Haunt

In real life:
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Bullet; White Brindle is similar to brindling in dogs and cows. It is recommended that you use those animals as references.
Bullet; White In your ketucari's genotype, brindle is denoted by the letters "nBd" (heterozygous) or "BdBd" (homozygous).
Bullet; White In its heterozygous form, brindle has a pass rate of 35%. Homozygous brindle has a 60% pass rate.


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Brindle can be lighter or darker than your ketucari's base coat. It must be in the same color range as your base color, and may have a minor deviation in hue.
Brindle 2 by Matriarchs-Haunt Brindle 1 by Matriarchs-Haunt


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At minimum, brindle must cover an area equal to the green patch below. While it doesn't have to be on the shoulder, it must at least cover the same percentage as below.

0c352014ad27727eebc191864709a5f9 by Matriarchs-Haunt

Interaction with Other Markings

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Bullet; White All markings can be layered under or over brindle.
Bullet; White Brindle can be influenced by vapor and segment.
Bullet; White Brindle has an interaction with Marble called "Woodgrain". See details below.

Brindle vs. Striping

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Brindle should not too closely resemble striping. Notice how the banding caused by brindle is thinner and more densely packed together. Striping produces thicker lines that are less closely concentrated. Brindle looks more like dripping paint than regular striping. Brindle should always drip down along the body.
Brindle 4 by Matriarchs-Haunt


Testbutton by WerewolfStripclub
Woodgrain is a unique interaction that Brindle and Marble have together, where they effectively fuse into one marking. Woodgrain may be lighter or darker than the base coat. It may also have a subtle gradient or fade out on certain parts of the body (see Accents). What makes it different from both Marble and Brindle is it should resemble woodgrain and the patterns of tree rings. It's a thin, loopy and swirly marking.
It may also be used to create general "whispy" patterns.
Banshee 2520 by Matriarchs-Haunt


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Here are some small accents you can add to your designs to make them more unique!

Bullet; White Brindle may fade out on certain parts of the body, or have a subtle gradient like below:
Brindle 3 by Matriarchs-Haunt

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