Hello every one!
Here's a quick journal entry to speak about different things.
- I recently reached 200 watchers, and for that, thanks a looooooot to all of you!
- It's been a while, but maybe you remember my Snow Elf entry (
matou31.deviantart.com/art/Sno…) to this contest
liancary-stock.deviantart.com/…... And I finally got the third place! Thanks to Liancary-stock!
- Two of my tutorials have been featured: The John Reese digital portrait here
digitaldelights.deviantart.com…, and the 3D pirate model here
tehangelscry.deviantart.com/ar…. Thanks a lot to the kind writers digitaldelights and tehanglescry, it's a great honor ^^! And I'm very happy that some of you guys find those tutorials useful
- Finally, you may have noticed I submit less art on DA... That's because I took a huge decision and I now work as an indie game developper. This eats a lot of my time, and I have less time to publish finished "just-for-fun" artwork. I keep practicing however, and I hope I'll be able to show you other stuff soon
I will also try to propose tutorials about game creation. By the way, if you're interested in following/liking/testing/commenting my game activity, you may want to check the dev blog
home.oneiricworlds.com/, or the facebook page
www.facebook.com/pages/Oneiric…Take care!