Princess Luna Windows 7 themeMatniky on DeviantArt

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Matniky's avatar

Princess Luna Windows 7 theme



Well I'm rather surprise School started only briefly and I've already completed a new theme! Here comes Luna! with this the night will always be present on my computer.

Running into problems? or have a question? check out this link for common concerns and question : [link]

To use this theme it is really simple:

1. Download and install Uxtheme multi patcher from here: [link]

2. restart you're computer

3. Extract the files provided onto the desktop and place them in the directory "C:WindowsResourcesThemes".

4. Right click on you're desktop, Go into personalize and you will find the theme ready to be applied.

5. if youre computer theme becomes gray, please reinstall UXtheme multipatcher and restart youre computer.

I've also taken the liberty to introduce luna's start orb (the start icon) made by Peachspices which can be found here: [link] (I am not responsible for its surport, or its usage)

:iconvexx3: :iconmagna-vis::iconmackaged: :iconkibbiethegreat: :iconparadigm-zero: :iconchecquee: :iconsaeiter: :icontygerxl: :iconmatniky:
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MASTERHUNTER666's avatar

Hey, any chance you could update this to Windows 10 with classic shell?