Brick structureMatejCadil on DeviantArt

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Brick structure



Just an ordinary brick structure... 🧱 Or is there something weird about it? 😉

Made for the #inktober52 prompt 3 "brick".
As I shared in my last year's art summaries, I wasn't very productive  recently so I thought I need to challenge myself to make more art. So I  really love the new project by Inktober with prompts coming each week: That might be exactly what I needed! I do not think I will do all of them, but weekly prompts are certainly  more doable than daily, so I'd love to do at least half of them.
In fact I started with prompt 1 "flight", which gave me inspiration but turned into a more complicated picture, which is still in progress (see here).

This one is an optical illusion generally inspired by the work of MC Escher but using the same principle as my older picture Romeo and Juliet, which I find quite interesting and I don't think I have ever seen this kind of impossible object used in a larger picture (more than a simple schematic drawing).

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2272x2456px 2.37 MB
© 2020 - 2025 MatejCadil
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RetSamys's avatar
Oh yeah, very nice! This looks solid enough to screw with my brain