ExcelDarkThemeFixmatafokka on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/matafokka/art/ExcelDarkThemeFix-887401706matafokka

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matafokka's avatar


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Fixes Microsoft Excel appearance when custom Windows theme is used. Especially relevant for dark theme users.

For more info and download, visit project's GitHub page.

Also, be sure to check out PowerPointDarkThemeFix and its thread on DeviantArt!

This post is for discussion, feel free to comment, ask questions, report issues, etc.

Yes, previously there was a post by niivu (thanks, Keegan!), but I've finally decided to create a DeviantArt account and manage my stuff myself. I'm also up for some advertisement for this stuff :D

All previously reported issues has been fixed long ago, so those who experienced them and missed updates, please, try it out again.

Like this project and have some money to spend? You can always buy me a coffee, I'll greatly appreciate that!
Image size
2462x1644px 395.52 KB
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Hello, every time i open xls and close it wil ask me to save .. even if i wont edit it and another thing is if you edit 1 cell to change something you will see black cell while you edit it .. . is that normal ?