MasterPurno's avatar


Mark Leppen
1 Watcher14 Deviations

Something really bad happened by MasterPurno, literature

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Artist // Digital Art
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

Current Residence: Huizen, The Netherlands
Favourite genre of music: Pop and some Gothic
Operating System: MS Win XP
Favourite cartoon character: Obelix

Favourite Movies
Monsters Inc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Games
Age of Empires III
Other Interests
Trains, Games, Chat, Forums, Graphics


0 min read
Ok, this is a piece of a log of my chatroom full of computer addicted, girl seeking, geeks (like me :P). Usually no girl visits the channel so I thought lets see what happens if I join the channel via my applet with a girls name and try to fool one of my friends (XeryusTC).I borrowed this pic; :thumb34551467: from casatay because the girl in the pic was well... quite attractive :PSkiddles didn't fall for it, and even tries to ruin the joke.Long read, but perhaps it's funny;[16:58:56] *** Anon0732 has joined #purno. [16:59:19] *** Anon0732 is now known as Jessie. [16:59:26] Jessie: hi guys [16:5...
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prachtige efteling fotos :)
vooral de shot van de python vind ik heel goed gelukt :D
ga zo door ^^
RazorIce, you're welcome :) Thanks for the love :P Oh wait, you're a guy... :P
haha its the dA love =) dont worry u'll see it all around here, its what makes dA what it is =)
THX FOR THE FAV MAN! i love you :smooch:
Thanks for the :+fav:!!! :hug:
You're welcome :) It's very nicely detailed and such.
Hi man. Thanks for the :+fav:

::da' xaos one: