Ok, this is a piece of a log of my chatroom full of computer addicted, girl seeking, geeks (like me :P). Usually no girl visits the channel so I thought lets see what happens if I join the channel via my applet with a girls name and try to fool one of my friends (XeryusTC).I borrowed this pic;
:thumb34551467: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/34551467/
from casatay because the girl in the pic was well... quite attractive :PSkiddles didn't fall for it, and even tries to ruin the joke.Long read, but perhaps it's funny;[16:58:56] *** Anon0732 has joined #purno.
[16:59:19] *** Anon0732 is now known as Jessie.
[16:59:26] Jessie: hi guys