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Origami Heart



Valentines day coming up... thought why not... also saw someone else who did it and decided to put one up myself.

here the link to the one i saw

::edit 2::
ok got a webcam vid up on youtube: [link] :
no it's not the best quality and the sound sucks, but it should give you a better idea of the folding... happy folding and valentines day pplz!!
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800x600px 127.09 KB
© 2008 - 2024 MastaAzumarek
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Miota's avatar
I did know an easier way to fold a heart back when I did a lot of origami... If I ever remember it I'll post it, because, the 6th step confused me a lot >> you should bold or underline the "inner edge" or explain it better.. somehow. thanks anyways.