The Floodgates are OPEN! (Min Min in Smash!)Mast3r-Rainb0w on DeviantArt

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The Floodgates are OPEN! (Min Min in Smash!)


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Character  Min Min


No, I'm not dead (yet), haha. :P

It's because of these tough times I haven't been able to focus on my art, and I've pretty much been in a bit of a slump.
I guess you could say the recent Smash announcement was just what I needed to get motivated again!

My personal thoughts on Min Min in Smash? Ehh, it's kinda cool I guess.

While she's not MY personal favorite ARMS character, I think she translates well into Smash. She seems like a fun, cool-looking character and I am interested in trying her out.
I would've liked Spring Man (he was my main in ARMS), but hey, Min Min's alright in my book (though she looks annoying to fight against)

Definitely a step up after -coughcoughyouknowwhocoughcough-, but for the rest of the second Fighter Pass, I'm kinda hoping to see more third-parties TBH.
(Fallout Mii Costume was wild tho!)

In other news, and because of Min Min's inclusion, I guess it's safe to say that SPIRITS OFFICIALLY DO NOT DECONFIRM!

That's right! Spirit characters like Rayman, Paper Mario, Geno, Shantae, BANDANA DEE Heart, and even my AMPHIBIOUS dream king Cute Frog Hug, are all ELIGIBLE to be UPGRADED! (I didn't include the latter in the pic because he's not as most wanted as other characters sadly, but still)

Here I'm experimenting with a new style kinda.
Anyways, enjoy this pic I made! Hope it puts a couple smiles on some faces!
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