Favourite Visual Artist
Stevie Borbolla
Favourite Movies
Good Will Hunting, Patch Adams, Interstellar, Interstella 5555, Coco, Down With Love, Vendetta.... many many movies...
Favourite TV Shows
Friends, NCIS, Brooklyn 99
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
too many LMAO
Favourite Books
Setting Sun
Favourite Writers
Osamu Dazai
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts, Yoshi's Wooly World, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Mario Kart, Pokemon, Borderlands 2, Fez
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, or Playstation
Tools of the Trade
Wacom tablet Intuos4 Large
Other Interests
nature, singing, music, Yoshi, donuts, rainbows, psychology+astrology, roleplaying, animation