MaskedManplz's avatar


Masked Man
12 Watchers0 Deviations
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: New pork city
Favourite style of art: Chibi...
Operating System: Windows XP
Personal Quote: "..."

Favourite Visual Artist
Catherine Warwick
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Games
Mother3,Mother2 aka Earthbound,Mother,Final Fantasy VII and IX
Favourite Gaming Platform
Game Boy Advance
Tools of the Trade
My Electric sword
Other Interests
the pigmask army and serve King P.
Well...I haven't been here in like...8 months, I had things to do. You know being the commander of the pigmask army is pretty difficult and normaly I don't have free time to grab my laptop and type comments or check my messages.So...that's why I didn't reply the messages you left here, It's not like I don't want to reply them.I'll try to be here more often so I can reply your messages.
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0 min read
god...i don't know why you didn't make this earlier...i have to come here and do it by mysefl god um yeah probably you're asking yourself "How the hell he is talking?!" and i answer you i'm not talking im writing they are two diferent things! -shot- nothing more to say... In a Random offtopic thing...i put my msn and mail if you want to contact me...just don't add me just to say i hate you,you suck,get a life,etc i hate that kind of people so...yeah (i know my msn and mail are the same i just don't have imagination lol)so...bye D: (since when i put faces?)
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Profile Comments 64

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I LUV U SOH MUSCH :(:(:(:( 
I cant beat masked man,I had no healing items to protect against him.Every time I try to beat him,He slashes me in half with sword.If I could protect myself,Ill bring flint to protect me from PK Love Omega....(Reference from Masked man liking Airman ga taosenai.)