masemj on DeviantArt

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masemj's avatar

The Most Important Character from MLP:EQG:RR



A couple things here:

- Maud's colors are difficult to read off the few scenes shes in - the lighting effects are not consistent, and based on some discussions with MLP-VectorClub, we figured her normal pony colors work. EXCEPT in the eyes, which her pony version are far too light for what the movie gives, and we agreed that as a human, she's got the same eye coloring as Fluttershy.
- Her normal outfit is based on a few panels in the latest IDW 2014 Holiday special, up to the top of her boots (And from one brief scene in the actual film, when Trixie's going over the wall, Maud is there enough to see the top of her neck-piece of the dress which collaborates). Again, at MLP-VectorClub we've had some discussions on that, and figured that her "boots" would be designed with being more functional than fashion (for rock stomping :)  

Individual images: Maud's sleepware:
Maud's dress:

For reference, here is the list of colors for Maud as a pony that I based this on:


My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic by :iconfyre-flye:, Copyright Hasbro.

My request/commission information:

ai6 file (both sets of clothes are in the various layers in that).:
Image size
8000x15611px 2.54 MB
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strongbad-joe132's avatar
So is it safe to assume that Human Pinkie only has one sister?