MHR [event]: CotW'25 (5) by MasamuneRevolution, literature
MHR [event]: CotW'25 (5)
Benimaru furrowed deeply, at a loss at what to do. The regal lion’s back unusually slouched forward, inaudibly murmuring something to himself.
“Why the long face?”
Benimaru's ears twitched at the familiar voice and glanced back to see his childhood friend, Souei, stood a few steps short behind him. “Heh, as expected from you, I didn't hear your footsteps at all,” the Teostra mused at the blue-colored Green Nargacuga.
The flying wyvern merely glanced back with an arched eyebrow, silently questioning why Benimaru stated the obvious before eventually giving a lazy, half-shrug at the elder dragon before he moved closer and sat down beside him.
“It’s Albis and Momiji,” Benimaru softly sighed, but Souei merely gave him a silent ‘That's nothing new’ look toward the elder dragon. “Those two always have this… rivalry? I guess?? In trying to impress me…?” The Teostra continues, albeit his confidence slightly dwindles near the end.
“...That sounds like bragging to me,” Souei deadpan
MHR [event]: CotW'25 (4) by MasamuneRevolution, literature
MHR [event]: CotW'25 (4)
“Natori, catch!!”
“Huh…?” The Lunagaron glanced left and right, trying to figure out where the voice came from, but he couldn't spot anyone or anything nearby.
“Uwaaaah~?!!!” A sudden panic yell echoed throughout the surruonding area, whose voice clearly did not belong to whoever first called him. This one sounded much younger, unlike the low yet charismatic, smooth voice that had told him to catch something seconds earlier.
“Look up!!!”
“Wha…?” As Natori glanced up, immediately entering his sight was a silhouette of a flailing Vesuibre falling toward him from the sky. “Na– Natsume!!?” The Lunagaron gasped, rearing himself up with stretched fore limbs in his attempt to cushion the free-falling young fanged beast. “---Oopf!?” Natori groaned in pain the very second the young Vesuibre crashed into his chest, sending both males tumbling against the ground.
“Uugh… are you okay, Natsume?” The Lunagaron worriedly asked, groaning, internally betting to himself his body would turn