mary-yasha's avatar


Screw the money I have rules!
22 Watchers74 Deviations

Deaf by mary-yasha, literature

I Can't by mary-yasha, literature

Hey there, by mary-yasha, literature

You by mary-yasha, literature

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I Can't by mary-yasha, literature

Deaf by mary-yasha, literature

You by mary-yasha, literature


Deviation Spotlight

  • Australia
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Current Residence: Australia (I love a sunburnt country...)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small I think...
Favourite genre of music: Anything but techno ^_^
Favourite photographer: Natasha Barison is pretty snazzy.
MP3 player of choice: iPod=iLove xDD
Wallpaper of choice: Anything with Supernatural on it ^_^
Favourite cartoon character: Oh, hard...I have to say...ROCK LEEE! NO CONTEST, PEOPLE! Sai comes in close second! xD! PENIS!
Personal Quote: your face

Favourite Visual Artist
Jackson Pollock. He is so fantastic, it is not funny. Shame he went and died though D=
Favourite Movies
the Ghost and the Darkness., Sixth Sense and Juno (Indecisive xD!)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Currently? MCR, but Beatles is more accurate because I can ALWAYS listen to them. And Queen.
Favourite Writers
Catherine Jinks and Colin McNaughten ^_^
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts all...And the pokemon games, becasue seriously, who doesn't love pokemon!?
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, ah, how I love thee.
Tools of the Trade
Computer, chalk pastels, pen, paper, and banana's.
Other Interests
Writing, reading, animalia, the planet, anime and I like hiking and horseriding and bikeriding too
Avatar Finale. SPOILSPOILSPOILSPOIL LOL - ALL THE OLD GUYS CAME BACK - gran gran marrying pakku or whatever his name is xD that is SO WEIRD. Old people can't get married! D=! Fave quotes: Sokka: Let's split up! Toph: I'm going with Zuko! -grabs his arm- everyone: o.o Toph: What? Everyone else got a life-changing outing with Zuko! It's my turn! AND ZUKO BLUSHED - TOKO!!! TOKO!!! TOKO!!! Bumi: Wait...someone is missing...someone very importnat...WHERE'S MOMO!?" xD that guy is so cool. Bumi: Well, here we are! Welcome to Old people camp! Quin Lee: Hey, I'm Quin Lee. I work up in communications. Random1: Oh hi, I work down in th
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Hey guys. EDITTWOO If you comment I will: a) tell you why I friended you, b) associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, etc., c) tell you something I like about you, d) tell you a memory I have of you, e) ask something I've always wanted to know about you, f) tell you my favorite user pic of yours, g) in return, you must post this in your journal. You know you want to. EDIT Hey, guess who's second year on dA is due in two days? Or is it three? Haha...ANYWAY, here I am, paying homage to those who watch me, who I watch, and who let me join their clubs. I'm celebrating. If you want me to do something for you,
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Spazzage Spew

0 min read
Hello everyone! I am back but not for long BECAUSE! In the next week I have: 3 chemistry tests 1 math sac 1 biology sac 1 history sac 1 religon sac 1 literature essay due AND I have to write a script for a competition (because now all the teachers know I was thinking about entering and are saying things like 'I can't wait to read it' and 'how's the script going?' Not that, you know, this has any PRESSURE or anything) Also I need to write articles for the newspaper my school has (that I'm helping to run! xD! Whoever said I do nothing for the school community was speaking BULL!) articles for Queenie - the school's drama newspaper to w
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Profile Comments 233

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I was looking at your sig and got halfway through the first line before I stopped and was like "Wait, why can I read this???"
Then that messed me up and it took me forever to figure the rest out. >.>
Hello!~ I like your avi! Kisame :XD:
hey 22/female. you're cute =) check me out on my webcam chat thing CLICK HERE
Hi take the free IQ QUIZ! I just found out mine.
LOL everyone should see this ... it's HILARIOUS just Click here
LOL I just noticed your fav photographer thing xD
Why thankyou love <3 You did a pretty snazzy job yer'self on my self portrait.
Incidentally, I can read your sig. And it didn't take me fifteen minutes. XD