'RED ADDICTION' 62 Fantastic entries so

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MarvelousManips's avatar

RED ADDICTION Contest, a little over 2 weeks left...

Get your entries in and good luck my friends!!!

WOW.....So many amazing entries so far!!
Check them out here: marvelousmanips.deviantart.com…

:bulletyellow: ____Red Addiction_____:bulletyellow:
:bulletyellow: Submission dates::bulletyellow:
Feb 14 - March 30
:bulletyellow: Submission rules below
-Please read so as to make sure your entry is acceptable BEFORE you submit!-

:pointr: ...Must be a photo-manipulation
:pointr: ...Must have the color RED somewhere in the image!
:pointr:... Does not have to be a new piece. (we would prefer it, but it doesn't have to be)
:pointr:... Must state it is for this contest  and include a link back to the group
:pointr: ...One entry per member

:trophy: FIRST PLACE:
:iconkimsol: 100 points
:iconhumbleluv: 150 points
:iconlouised: 500 points
:icondab-blingin-art: 3 month sub
:iconannewipf:  exclusive stock pic montvalentstock.deviantart.com…
:icondesignbykatt: exclusive background pak

:trophy: SECOND PLACE:
:iconkimsol: 75 points
:iconhumbleluv:  100 points
:iconlouised: 250 points
:icondab-blingin-art:  100 points
:iconannewipf:  exclusive stock pic montvalentstock.deviantart.com…
:icondesignbykatt: exclusive background pak

:iconkimsol: 50 points
:iconhumbleluv:  50 points
:iconlouised: 150 points
:icondab-blingin-art:  50 points
:iconannewipf:  exclusive stock pics montvalentstock.deviantart.com…
:icondesignbykatt: exclusive background pak

!!! We are still gathering prizes, please note me or leave a group note to donate.
Thank you!!!


Skin by:unknown modified by dAb-blingin-art
© 2012 - 2024 MarvelousManips
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phoenixleo's avatar
Does one have to be a member to join? :?