Maru-Light's avatar


782 Deviations
  • Aug 3
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (398)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: NY / NJ

Other Interests
Writing, Art, Photography, BJD, Cosplay
I've been away from DA for a really long time it seems, life just had other plans, but in light of ~anda-chan ( being honored with a DD today :party: just wanted to drop in and say CONGRATS to my fiancee! :D I'm very proud! (And I'm pretty psyched her DD is a photo of a bjd I worked on, so doubly proud. This is very cool! :dance: ) On that note, here I am popping in to dump a bunch of new dolly work in my gallery since I've been very busy on the resin front (not doing much cosplay these days outside a con or two…) and I'm so very very behind on my DA. So hello new watchers! Hope old friends are doing well! A
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Haven't updated DA in a while, things have been pretty busy and a slight snafu on the home technology front (I lost my hard drive and everything on it this past week) has been sort of a setback. I'm rebuilding and luckily had the most important stuff backed up or stored online, but it's a process... For that reason, I haven't uploaded any more of our recent Urbex shots from our trips to local abandoned insane asylums, but once I'm fully functioning again I will. It's sort of my passion atm. We're hoping to do more Urbex in the coming weeks and maybe even sneak in an actual photoshoot or two while at it. In other news, we're breaking out the
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BJD Meme w Pix!

0 min read
I couldn't help it, I had to jump on the band wagon... (New NoK chapter possibly by tomorrow FYI) Who was your first doll? Do you still own him, her, or it? Naioki, a Dreaming Shiwoo Vampire painted by the artist ddebuzza. Yes, i still own him. He's The Boss. :thumb196097651: Who is your favorite doll? I can't choose favorites, but here's the most spoiled: :thumb200877277: Which doll do you hope or plan to buy next? It'll probably be an impulse buy. I just came through a few months worth of 'resin fever' that jacked up my collection by a bunch, so I'm not planning on anyone at the moment. A few heads need bodies though… Virgi
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Happy birthday!
🎊📷🎈🎍🎑💿🎋🎉🎠 🔥 🍹 🎂 🍰 🎁
I know you're not around here anymore but I hope you are well and wish you the best