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May 25, 2014
.Time after time. by Martina-G

Sometimes words aren't necessary to understand each other. 
Featured by alexandrasalas
Suggested by LauraPex
Martina-G's avatar

.Time after time.



If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time...

Time after time - Cyndi Lauper

Even between commissions and comic pages i always find a way to do some silly fanart, shame on me... but i have this little Ranma/Akane comic in mind for a while:heart: inspired by the prompt from Piscina di Prompt Ranma 1/2, Ranma/Akane, Red string of fate... even if isn't visible, but it would have been too obvious and mainstream :p
Please, don't pay attention to my lazy attempt in doing crowd... Nerima is clearly populated by Slender-look-a-like people. *orz
Tombow+PS edit.

Edit May 25 2014: I got my first DD! I can't believe it ;_; All my thanks goes to LauraPex , thank you dear!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Okamikiba18's avatar
Che carini :3 l'ultima volta che ho guardato Ranma avevo 6 anni, perciò non posso dire di essere una fan, ma questo disegno è bellissimo (e l'idea starebbe bene con qualunque personaggio) :) ho letto gli ultimi commenti e sono d'accordissimo col fatto che le sagome siano adatte come contorno (magari con qualche dettaglio in più, ma non troppi), anche se avrei giurato che questo era già un acquarello... Penso che potresti anche usare la motivazione della DD come sottotitolo ;)
Insomma, complimenti!! :clap: