Serene Station - Bonfire StarsMartechi on DeviantArt

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Serene Station - Bonfire Stars

Location  Bonfire Stars


Despite being located on one of the most bustling trade routes of the Inner Nebra’s imperial realm, the last imperial way station appears serene and calm. Few starships have a reason to come here, let alone stop by for aid. Most fly by invisible, wrapped in their relativistic shrouds as they cross the last stretch between the imperial realm and the Nebra Marginals.

The way station lies undisturbed, right in the middle of nowhere, between the dark abyss and vibrant constellations. Its spires, tall and proud as those of noble Port Crescent, glow in an aquatic hue. Much of inner Nebra is bathed in this blue light coming from the glacial nebulae. Here, at this way station, it is peaceful. But to seasoned starfarers, it remains a reminder that the unknowable gulfs of Garathond and the Maw are not so far. This is indeed the last, and a wild frontier lies beyond.

What few merchants there are offer trinkets and talismans, tokens of good luck with signs of the imperial crown, as if to ward off the barbarians and monsters awaiting. And there are those that claim to have captured some of that wilderness, selling claws of mythic beasts and stories of great heroic deeds. Such things would not be tolerated at the larger ports of the Crescent Guild. But here, the market for the unknown and superstitious thrives, in best imperial tradition.

And, the merchants will say, there is at least some proof of their magical protection. How else would the last imperial waystation remain? Would it not otherwise be swallowed whole by the abyss?

Looking out the windows into the dark, so far removed from all other signs of civilization, it is hard to argue their point.

Bonfire Stars - original project created by Martechi

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