Class Chart for Terragaia Monstrosmarktoughguy on DeviantArt

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Class Chart for Terragaia Monstros



The finalized version of my "Class Chart" for my WIP monster-catching videogame "Terragaia Monstros".

Aqua, Bug, Cyber, Dragon, Electric, Frost, Grass, Holy, Inferno, Joust, Kite, Loam, Metal, Normal, Occult, Pixie, Quantum, Rock, Sound, Toxic, Ultimate, Visitant, Wood, Xeno, Yin, Zombie. Those are the 26 Classes that each Monstro can possess. Every Monstro can be three classes at the same time.

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896x896px 158.96 KB
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marktoughguy's avatar

In the not-too-distant future, I will turn it into a premium download that includes the build files and some additional information. To view the old version,

Class Chart for Terragaia Monstros (Franchise)

please click the attached deviation.