Addendum to: I am no longer with Upper Deck

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MarkIrwin's avatar
I hate posting this sort of stuff, but felt I should in light of some things coming my way...

For everyone's general information, I was part of a massive layoff at UD. Well over half of the company was laid off, including almost the entire Entertainment division. We were told that this was the only way that the company could reconcile their debt, as well as resurrect their sports card business. So for anyone thinking I was personally laid off for non-payment to artists or mishandling of my duties, that's nonsense. I have nothing to do with getting artists paid- I am actually not involved in that area at all, though I do constantly make a nuisance of myself with Finance trying to fight for those artist payments.

For 20 years now, I have prided myself on being an art director who has always had the artists' best interests at heart, being that I am an artist myself, and just about all my friends are artists too. So I really take it to heart hearing that rumors are being spread about my separation from the company. Especially when they're spread by people who not only have never worked with me or the company, but also have no knowledge of the impossible situation I was put in there.

Literally the only thing that kept me at Upper Deck over the last year were my continued attempts to make sure artists, photographers and sculptors were paid what they were owed. Being that the vast majority of those vendors were my own contacts that I brought to UD, I wanted to make sure they were paid and treated fairly, as best as I could.

Even now, I am still working with people at UD to keep the pressure on and get my vendors paid. It's all I can do.

Just wanted to use this as a forum to get that out there; with all the hard work I've put in over my career in getting artists treated fairly with multiple companies that felt artists and art itself are throwaway things, it was really burning me up hearing that anyone would think otherwise of me.
© 2010 - 2024 MarkIrwin
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thelearningcurv's avatar
keep doing what you do, those who have seen you or paid attention to how you've handled things 9even as remotely as through DA) have faith in you and what you're doing.