Jagger BeastMarkHartman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/markhartman/art/Jagger-Beast-209792593MarkHartman

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MarkHartman's avatar

Jagger Beast



From the plane of Life.

The Jagger Beast is neither plant nor animal, Instead it's both. It is a never ending ecosystem constantly birthing creatures from every orifice. Breathing insects and excreting vermin. Survival of the fittest is a crucial part of this food chain of which you are the bottom.

Approaching one is not recommended. It takes root in the ground expelling minions that have evolved to kill. If your lucky enough to get past its hordes you won't survive against its keen animal senses and pure brute strength. This beast is more than wild, it is evil.

Check out my other submission:
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© 2011 - 2025 MarkHartman
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CousinTed's avatar
Hells yes. I love how subtle you were with the background, it looks awesome