MarioWibisono on DeviantArt

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MarioWibisono's avatar

Matsu Rika



The horde of zombies had breached the wall with countless of undeads.
It was an eerie sight but the noble samurai paragon stood firm.
Her blade slew all the incoming enemies while she calmly moved to find the source of the threat.
She was truly The Pride of the Lion Clan.

For Legend of the Five Rings.
Image size
3000x1993px 2.39 MB
© 2012 - 2024 MarioWibisono
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DrkPhreakX's avatar

I have loved this picture for years. It's been a wallpaper on my computer, 4 of my phones, and I had no idea that it was something that had been on DA. I love every aspect of this , the movement, the determination in her eyes.  I can't wait to look at the rest of your works, and  see whatever else you post!