TUTORIAL - Winter Soldier's metal armmarinecosplaybr on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/marinecosplaybr/art/TUTORIAL-Winter-Soldier-s-metal-arm-454787316marinecosplaybr

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marinecosplaybr's avatar

TUTORIAL - Winter Soldier's metal arm



I hope this tutorial help those that are trying to cosplay the Winter Soldier =)
Basically you will need the following materials:
+2 simples EVA foam sheets(any color)
+Ironing machine or EVA heat gun
+Super glue(super bonder)
+EVA Glue
+White glue (Cascorez) to use for papel maché
+Scissor/Duct tape/ PVC tape
+Metallic Spay paint
+Red paint for the star
Ans the most important of all: + A LOT of patience

Pictures of my Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes cosplay: marineorthodox.deviantart.com/…
Please like my Facebook Cosplay page: www.facebook.com/pages/Marine-…

Wanna go crazy about Captain America: The winter soldier together? Follow me on Tumblr. Winter Soldier and Stucky it's pretty much all I post now, plus fat birds and feminists texts.
Image size
700x4774px 2.09 MB
© 2014 - 2025 marinecosplaybr
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Dude where did u buy the rest of the costume from after making the arm?