1659 DracoMarigoldStables on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/marigoldstables/art/1659-Draco-369585200MarigoldStables

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1659 Draco



bought from :iconcmorespots:


ID#: 1659 Draco
Age: 7 years old
Color: perlino
Genotype: EE Ae CrCr
Gender: stallion
Discipline: halter/liberty

------------------------------------------ SSS unknown
----------------- SS unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD unknown
Sire DHF's Apocalypse 454 [link]
------------------------------------------ SDS unknown
----------------- SD unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS unknown
----------------- DS GAS Silverlight 193 [link]
------------------------------------------ DSD unknown
Dam KEC Maybe Means No 1260 [link]
------------------------------------------ DDS AS-KEC Hey Arnold 424 [link]
----------------- DD KEC Road to Mordor 395 [link]
------------------------------------------ DDD SKG Panthera 119 [link]

Personality: Excitable: Small things can get me up on my toes.
Querks 1: Farts when I'm über excited
Querks 2: Will buck like a bronco the second you try to get on me, unless someone else is holding my reins
Worst Fear: Bees, wasps, hornets, generally things that sting
Herd Mentality: I play best with those smaller than me
Horse vs. Handler: Horrible ground manners (kicks, bites, swats you with tail)
Favorite Treat: Sweet potatoes

for breeding see his journal
Image size
600x565px 148.47 KB
© 2013 - 2025 MarigoldStables
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Cmorespots's avatar
:heart: I'm really happy you have given this boy a good home :) I was looking through all my sales I have done and was like: damn, why'd I sell him :XD: but I'm so happy that he's in loving hands :hug: since I obviously couldn't give him the love he deserves when I had him :saddummy: -regret everywhere- but I will now happy stalk him for all eternity :dummy: and if you ever leave Nordanners, have to sell him etc. I'd like him back :heart: sorry for the random comment, but just so much nostalgia for me when I saw him :heart: since I got him when I was still pretty new to Nordanners