Yan Sam Outfit Before and AfterMarieAngel04 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/marieangel04/art/Yan-Sam-Outfit-Before-and-After-910816730MarieAngel04

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MarieAngel04's avatar

Yan Sam Outfit Before and After

Character  Sam Manson


Here's the new outfits I made just for Sam, but which one do You think suits her best and why?

You're propably wondering what I drew this for, huh?
Well...No spoilers, because it's a surprise and it's way too early to reveal anything to You yet. But don't worry: more surprises will be shown when the perfect time comes, so for now You can only wonder what all of this is about. 

As usual, no trolling, hating, cyberbullying, gremlining or stealing here! That's all. Enjoy!

I don't own Sam 'cause obviously she belongs to Butch Hartman - like creator, like creator's pet, bleh. However, the only thing I own are these designs and only them!
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940x1228px 207.94 KB
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TFSyndicate's avatar

I like the new one. Black has always been her color.