Ember Mclain AutographMarieAngel04 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/marieangel04/art/Ember-Mclain-Autograph-842418603MarieAngel04

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Ember Mclain Autograph



Hello,e everybody! Long time no see! Almost a month, I suppose.Scooby Doo: Shaggy Evil chuckle icon  I hope You're doing alright, because I sure do despite the You-know-what. But I don't get bored and I'm trying to enjoy spring as best as I can. Even in a creative way. For example last week I was drawing and painting a lot, so better expect more of my new art today! ;3 Honestly I was kinda confused about the Eclipse thing, but unlike everybody else I don't panic nor complain about it. Sure, I'm gonna miss the classic DA look, but You'll see - we'll get used to the upcoming new look somehow. Adorable Girl Anime Emoji (Double kawaii wink) V6 Anyway You're propably curious about the first painting here, aren't You? Yep, I painted it, but not in a typical way, but in more ecological and recyclable way. You see I got some cardboard peaces from my sister who bought new chairs, so I got in the big mood to use my paints that I rarely use. I made a few paintings and... I painted the whole small box too! Surprising, isn't it? But nevertheless I had great fun. Raven Smile Plz  Yep, this is Ember's autograph, along with her signature blue/teal flames here on a beautiful magenta background. I mixed 2 different paint for the background and 3 or 4 more for the letters and the flame. I hope the effect of my work looks good, but eh, I did this for fun and entertainment. Anyways expect more art coming up today! As usual You're welcome to fave & comment it, but no hating, trolling, stealing or cyberbullying, please! Thank You very much and enjoy!
I don't own any DP character 'cause it belongs to Butch Hartman! The only thing I own, however, is this painting! No more, no less!
Image size
3344x2039px 2.09 MB
Shutter Speed
1/33 second
Focal Length
4 mm
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Date Taken
May 17, 2020, 7:56:17 PM
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Very nice. Butch Hartman would enjoy that.