Danny cosplaying as SonicMarieAngel04 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/marieangel04/art/Danny-cosplaying-as-Sonic-837060319MarieAngel04

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Danny cosplaying as Sonic



Howdy, guys! Long time no see! I forgot how long now, but nevermind. I've been drawing new pictures, so expect new drawing anytime this week. Besides that I've been busy with a few things, be it personal and such. But nothing bad happening yet... Well, besides the pandemy, but I strongly believe and sense that everything will be alright and things'll go to normal in the future. For now we gotta all keep calm, take good care of our hygiene and health, wait very patiently with hope and pray for any miracle, as well as for all heroes out there to save the world and find the cure to this cursed virus. I don't watch, read nor listen to any news about this situation, because most of them are sadly made specially to make people paranoid or to get more money. I don't know, really. However, I've been checking a website full of good & honest news about everything! And no worries, there's an option to translate everything there from Polish to Your native language. Here: dobrewiadomosci.net.pl/. Just a warning though: watch out for surpicious ads that aren't officially uploaded by this site, but still appear there for weird reasons. They usually appear below the articles You click on, so yeah, be careful what You read or view. ;) 
And about the Internet Freedom issue, it's still going on, but I believe everything'll be alright anyway. Okay, I guess that's enough for the news now... Or is it?
Let's move on to this drawing's description, shall we?
You're propably wondering why I drew Danny as Sonic. Well, the reason is that since the new "Sonic the Hedgehog'' movie showed up, I was wondering how the Polish dub cast was going to be. I checked a webside called Dubbingpedia(the kind of Wikipedia dedicated to voice actors) and guess what I found there, as well as on official Wikipedia and another site called Filmweb?
Well, apparently.... Sonic's Polish voice actor is the one who had voiced Danny! Can You imagine? I never expected it, but why, I'll explain in another picture that's coming up today/tonight! Do You remember a Polish YT channel dedicated to the voice actors from Poland which I propably mentioned in some of my artworks, btw?  Here it is if You're curious: www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS2p… I'm still waiting patiently for the episode with Danny & Sonic's voice actor to appear there, because I have a very special surprise made for this occasion already. Plus hopefully the rest of the role that actor played will surprise You. I can't hide the fact that channel is one of my favorites and I await patiently and curiously for more interviews.Bunny Emoji-01(Excited) [V1] Anyway enjoy the drawing and expect another one to show up very soon! And remember: no cyberbullies, haters, trolls or thieves allowed! Thank You for Your attention and enjoy!
I don't own Danny nor Sonic because they belong to Butch Hartman and Sega! 
Image size
2336x2478px 1.13 MB
Shutter Speed
1/33 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Mar 24, 2020, 10:37:21 PM
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